Discover cost of living data from Nomad List
See the most popular travel destinations and nomad friends places and the associated cost of living data from Nomad List.
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${{cityData.city_yearly_spend | number: 0}} per year
(or ${{cityData.city_monthly_spend | number: 0}} per month | ${{cityData.city_daily_spend | number: 2}} per day)
${{cityData.city_yearly_spend | number: 0}} per year
(or ${{cityData.city_monthly_spend | number: 0}} per month | ${{cityData.city_daily_spend | number: 2}} per day)
${{cityData.city_yearly_spend | number: 0}} per year
(or ${{cityData.city_monthly_spend | number: 0}} per month | ${{cityData.city_daily_spend | number: 2}} per day)
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